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November 2019

Why CJIS mobile compliance might be easier than you think

Although we just wrapped up National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October, security professionals never take a break — because cybercriminals don’t either. That’s especially true for folks who work in law enforcement. Every day they are on the front lines helping to protect the public and solve crimes using Criminal Justice Information (CJI) such as crime reports and fingerprints.

The surprising truth about cybersecurity and autism

This is a guest blog by Kim Crawley. I’ve worked in cybersecurity for about a decade, but I’ve been autistic for my entire life. Careers usually start in adulthood, but autism is something children are born with. And contrary to what some people assume, autism doesn’t disappear at age 18. Autism is for life. Unfortunately, once autistic people become adults, services become a lot less plentiful.

How website security and SEO are intimately connected

Learning how to optimize your website can be a challenge. At one time, it was only about figuring out what Google wanted, which was largely keywords. Now, it’s much more complex. Google is focused on not only delivering high-quality, relevant search results, but also on protecting people from malware and unscrupulous websites. Not only that, a hack of your website by others can give Google false information that directly impacts your rankings.

The future job market for cybersecurity professionals

If you work in IT – and even if you don’t – you’re probably aware of the huge shortage of cybersecurity professionals. Most companies are desperate for analysts trained to protect their valuable data from theft. On the surface, then, the future of the job market for cybersecurity seems bright. Look a little deeper, though, and you’ll see that this headline hides a lot of complexity.

Can Google now guess your password in under 4 minutes?

In a recent story that appeared on multiple news sites, as well as the Google AI Blog, it was announced that Google has achieved “Quantum Supremacy” with its 54-Qubit processor, named “Sycamore”. This is a monumental leap forward in computing capabilities. (Yes, I had to resist calling it a quantum leap forward, because that does not nearly sum up this accomplishment). This is huge! The question exactly is, how huge?

AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Security at the Speed of 5G

While some enterprises appear to be getting an early jump on the security implications of 5G, many are struggling with the implications to the business and the changing security model. This is based on a survey AT&T Cybersecurity conducted with 451 Research of 704 cybersecurity professionals in North America, India, Australia and UK in August - September 2019. Participating organizations spanned 13 industry verticals and each had more than 500 employees.